MAGICAL THINKING . Hanna Kanto & Melanie Ludwig

two artists on a video chat.
two artists talking about life, love and finger food.
smell the color, feel the clay.
what is real is real, like a rose is a rose is a rose.
what is real is the play, as we play
alongside each other.
what is real is the space in between,
a sea of possibilities,
a door to the other side.
dip in, or enter alongside with me.
two artists trying to make a point, to hit the nail,
two (wanna be) witches and a broken canvas.

13. November 2024

24. November 2024
Psychedelic Dada Pop Band
mit local artist Sophie Adelt

Flyer zum Download

Atelierhaus Salzamt
Obere Donaulände 15
4020 Linz, Austria

Di und Mi
11.30 – 14.00
Do und Fr
11.30 – 18.00